What's the Time for You?
December 15th, 2014I invite you to spend a moment contemplating what time actually means to you.
What is a past? In my view it is a flow of moments we remember; and these memories only exist because they once made up our Now, and we managed to store them on a very special hard drive better known as ourbrain :)
Likewise, the so called future remains just an idea or image in our mind until we actually experience it as a flow of Now moments.If we don’t do anything in the current moment the future might be no different than this Now. So what is your conclusion? Mine is this:
Now is the only moment of real freedom.
Our power is condensed in it. In the present moment we always have multiple choices to focus our attention on, set a new intention or take an action. Imagining that we will be happier, more capable or enlightened in the future is just an illusion unless we are aware of this power and we start applying it now. The awareness makes this moment (actually each moment!) very precious, don’t you think? And yet, how often do we waste the moment dwelling in our past miseries; or desperately hoping for some magical turn in our life that we would make in the future. I recently attended a lecture of a famous quantum physicist who explained what the spiritual masters, philosophers and artists have always known about time and what today’s science has affirmed:
All possibilities exist simultaneously and timelessly; i.e. the present moment contains all the potentiality.
Why is it then that we aren’t totally excited about it? What other validation do we need in order to shift our attention to the Now and start being more present? How could we become aware of the potential and the power we have in each moment? How do we practically access those?
Breathing and radiating love are my favorite ways that allow me to appreciate what is Now. With every breath in I can remind myself to be aware of what’s going on around me and inside of me; with every breath out I can choose what possibility I prefer to focus on and what energy I create.
The time is always Now.
We can’t spare love just like we can’t spare our breaths. We can only be fully present in our doing and being; e.g. breathing and loving as profoundly as we can. That belongs to my definition of “living at our best”. A life full of appreciation leaves no doubt about each choice we make, because one has recognized the many possibilities and knows he has chosen one of them consciously.
I believe that when we live in the Now and apply our potential the best we can then the rest… might as well be left up to the future :)
What's your view of the Now?