Hi, I'm Jana

I help people to dream big and surf life!

ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) personally trained and accredited by the coaching guru Timothy Gallwey, I am one of the first 15 Inner Game Coach Practitioners in Europe.

My top 5 strengths: Individualization, achiever, learner, empathy, relator (Gallup StrengthFinder).

My coaching specialties: Inner Game, mindfulness, positive leadership, creative dreaming, life purpose.

I was born in Brno, the Czech Republic which is known as the heart of central Europe. I love mango smoothies, the color turquoise, and diving into the amazing energies of deep ocean. I’m a professional coach in a global corporation, and as well in my private business. My passion is helping people of all backgrounds to create their sweet spot, infuse their life with mindfulness, and engage their inner wisdom available through dreams and intuition in order to be at their best.

I love connecting with the soul of people and nature; cultivating “oneness in nowness” - a state of full presence and connection to all there is. My wish for everyone is to live with ease and joy, feeling inspired to “surf the waves” of their life with a deep sense of purpose & presence.

I’ve always been curious about the nature of reality and human consciousness; the first lucid dream I recall happened when I was only four; actually it was a nightmare I woke up in and therefore found my way out of. Since I started to open myself exploring the dream states many of my life experiences didn’t follow the usual path.

I developed a strong intuitive sense and engaging empathy as a teenager I realized I can be a positive influence for others. Being multipassionate I’ve held a number of jobs, and eventually created my career sweet spot as a pro coach. I’m most inspired to partner with people who realize they have control over their state of mind, body and personal energy, and who are ready to live their full potential. I enjoy helping people to remember who they are and why they came here; connecting their unique gifts and dreams, enriching the world with their joy and soul's purpose.

I started my business in the early 90′s running a small marketing start-up; 20 years later I led a competency segment for IBM. Working hard never took away my aspiration to have a rich personal life, and keeping all aspects of my life balanced proved to be a challenge. Despite the relative success I came to a point where my corporate career no longer felt fulfilling and it was time for some deep soul searching. I took time off and during 100 days of nowness I got to understand what that nagging feeling actually meant: I lost connection with my life’s purpose.

With the help of great coaches and mindfulness practices I realized that rather than searching outside I can connect to my soul’s desires and do what truly inspires me. Discovering that my purpose is to work with energy – i.e. raising it in me and uplifting others – was liberating. I started surfing life.

Nowadays, I leverage my life’s lessons and professional expertise to help others find their own path. I apply intuition and presence to support people on their journey to surf the waves of their life. I am passionate about bringing mindfulness practices to diverse teams, design leadership development programs, grow new coaches, facilitate creative dreaming sessions and lead experiential retreats. I love to accompany people on customized vision quests and soul journeys (1:1 dream coaching in nature). I also guide clients who wish to learn how to understand and apply the insights and energy from their dreams in their day-to-day reality.

The level of our consciousness and energy go hand in hand. It’s time we wake up to the power that lies within. The time is always NOW.


How to cultivate mindfulness in everyday life & live in the Now; raise awareness of personal values and priorities; build courage to live in line with yourself; connect to nature to discover your purpose; define your sweet spot & find work that engages your unique strengths, personal values and full potential; create an authentic leadership style; craft a compelling team strategy; engage others & nurture deep relationships.


How to raise your energy; adapt an attitude of free choice; cultivate health; connect your body, mind, heart and soul; keep positive and creative focus on your purpose and life opportunities; move from procrastination to action and from striving to optimal flow; balance all key areas of your life; build confidence to express yourself and pursue your personal vision; grow resilience to prevent overload and burn-out.

My favorite certificates